Random Sentence Identifier

Skills & Technologies

  • Python
  • NLTK
  • Scikit-learn
  • NumPy
  • Text-Preprocessing
  • VS Code

Project Description


The Random Sentence Identifier project, a sophisticated tool crafted to distinguish between human-generated text and randomly constructed sentences. Developed as part of an advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) class, this Python application showcases a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of computational linguistics.

Project Overview

The Random Sentence Detector leverages the power of Python 3.8+, NLTK for natural language processing, Scikit-learn for machine learning models, and json for data handling. It stands out for its simplicity and efficiency, adhering to the constraint of operating without special libraries beyond the standard Python installation, except for explicitly allowed ones.

Core Functionality

Training Phase (calcNGrams_train): This function takes a text file as input, where each line comprises real-world, human-generated text. It processes this text to create n-grams (bi-grams or tri-grams, based on the developer's choice), laying the foundation for the application's learning phase. These n-grams serve as the basis for understanding patterns in human language, capturing the essence of natural sentence structure.

Testing Phase (calcNGrams_test): Given a list of sentences where only one sentence is entirely random, this function employs the n-grams generated during the training phase to identify the outlier. This phase illustrates the application's ability to apply learned patterns to new data, showcasing the practical application of NLP principles in distinguishing human-generated text from randomness.

Inner Mechanics

At its core, the project employs NLTK's Lemmatizers and Stemmers to preprocess text, ensuring a clean and standardized dataset for the n-gram model. The sklearn's CountVectorizer facilitates the conversion of text data into a matrix of token counts, while the Naïve Bayes algorithm, renowned for its effectiveness in classification tasks, is used to predict the random sentence based on statistical patterns observed in the n-grams.

Application and Impact

This Random Sentence Detector not only highlights the student's proficiency in handling complex NLP tasks but also demonstrates a deep understanding of machine learning concepts and their application in real-world scenarios. By distinguishing between structured, human-like text and randomness, this tool finds relevance in various domains, including but not limited to, spam detection, content analysis, and linguistic research.


The Random Sentence Identifier project is a testament to the innovative application of NLP and machine learning principles, showcasing the student's capability to bridge the gap between theoretical concepts and practical applications.